
5 Top Components of a Complete Medical Alert Solution

Protecting the people we love and care about is one of the biggest priorities someone can have. However, many providers only focus on the actual device when it comes to a personal health and safety solution. They really only think about the mPERS device, which is a panic button that is connected to 24/7 monitoring. 

Rather than focusing on the specific device, the focus should be on the complete solution. That way, one can truly protect the people who matter most.

The Complete Solution

Becklar offers industry-leading devices through its subsidiary Freeus. 

Becklar has been at the forefront of innovation in connected safety solutions, and its safety devices are the smallest, lightest, and most technologically advanced devices on the market. These personal safety devices have a long, extended battery life, are water resistant, provide two-way HD voice, and so much more. 

The device is a critical component of the overall mPERS solution, however the additional services that Becklar provides set them apart from the rest. It is the complete set  of services that make all the difference. They provide a complete safety ecosystem for the user, allowing for a more holistic approach to personal safety. 

Many integrated parts make Becklar’s ecosystem stand out, and here are the top five components.

  1. Industry Leading mPERS Device Portfolio

At the heart of any medical alert system are wearable devices designed to be easily worn by the user. 

These devices come in various forms, such as a pendant you can wear around your neck or on your wrist, and are equipped with a single emergency button. When pressed, the button triggers a call for help. What sets the Belle devices in the Freeus portfolio apart is the innovative technology and extensive feature set. The devices in the portfolio include a wide range of features like fall detection, HD two-way voice, superior battery life (up to 45 days) and GPS tracking, further enhancing their functionality and reliability.

  1. 24/7 Integrated Monitoring

A reliable medical alert solution is backed by round-the-clock monitoring services staffed by trained professionals. 

Through Becklar’s subsidiaries, Armstrong and AvantGuard, these monitoring centers act as the first line of response when an alert is triggered, ensuring that help is dispatched promptly to the user’s location. Whether it’s a medical emergency, a fall, or simply a request for assistance, having dedicated monitoring services available at all times provides users with the reassurance that help is just a button press away. These services are supported by a unique AI-powered engagement platform that blends human care with technology for the fastest response times in the industry. The solution is integrated with these monitoring centers to provide a complete solution, and make it easier for dealers to get started quickly and seamlessly.

Not only are these operators trained to assist with all types of calls, but they also come from a place of genuine care and compassion. Thus, whoever calls can feel at ease and know that they will be taken care of.

  1. Easy-To-Use Applications

It’s important to have apps that can be customized for every lifestyle.

For instance, mobility and independence are essential factors for many individuals seeking medical alert solutions. Modern systems offer mobile integration and GPS tracking features, allowing users to maintain their freedom while staying connected to help when needed. 

Becklar offers an innovative Caregiver App that helps caregivers provide better care for their loved ones. Information such as the first movement of the day and button presses can be tracked over time to watch for changes, and through GPS technology families can pinpoint the user’s location accurately, no matter where they are. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who may wander or become disoriented.

  1. Customized Engagement & Care

Every individual has unique healthcare needs and preferences, which is why customizable care plans, proactive engagement tools and notifications are essential components of a medical alert solution. 

Engagement tools powered by AI can be implemented based on the user’s specific requirements: medication reminders, check-in calls, a reminder to feed a pet, or access to emergency contacts. Additionally, medical alert services provided by Becklar allow caregivers and family members to receive real-time notifications via text, email, or phone call, informing them about their loved one’s well-being and ensuring they can provide support when necessary.

  1. More User Control

Having an mPERS device empowers individuals, especially those who are living independently, with a sense of control and security over their own safety and well-being. For those who carry a personal safety device, the feeling of being in control is not just a notion; it’s a tangible reality.

Owning an MPERS device is not just about having a safety net; it’s about reclaiming control over one’s life and peace of mind. It’s about knowing that no matter where they are or what situation they find themselves in, help is readily available at the touch of a button. This newfound sense of control empowers individuals to live their lives more confidently, knowing that they have the support they need to navigate any challenges that may arise.

Have a Complete Safety Solution In Your Hands Today

A complete medical alert solution encompasses a combination of innovative features.

By leveraging the latest technological advancements and combining them with personalized monitoring and assistance, Becklar has created wholesale solutions that offer peace of mind to both users and their caregivers. It allows individuals to maintain independence while staying connected to help when it matters most.

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