
What Landlords Need to Know About Wyoming Lease Agreements

Are you a landlord in Wyoming? If so, you need to know the ins and outs of lease agreements in the state. From lead-based paint hazards to rent and fees, security deposits, and tenant screening, there are important regulations to be aware of. This article will provide you with all the necessary information.

We’ll cover lead-based paint obligations, nonrefundable fees, rent due dates, security deposit rules, and fair housing protections. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Wyoming lease agreements.

Lead-Based Paint Requirements

To comply with lead-based paint requirements, you must include information about potential hazards in rental agreements for properties built before 1978 in Wyoming. This is a crucial step in protecting your tenants and ensuring compliance with the law.

When drafting your Wyoming lease agreement, be sure to include a section that addresses lead-based paint disclosures and provides information about the risks associated with it. You can find a Wyoming lease agreement template online to help you ensure that you cover all the necessary information.

Nonrefundable Fees Disclosure

Include a clear disclosure of nonrefundable fees in your Wyoming residential lease agreement. According to WS § 1-21-1207, if you charge any nonrefundable fees or deposits, it’s important to provide written notice of this fact in the lease agreement.

Nonrefundable fees are fees that tenants pay at the beginning of the tenancy that they’ll not get back when they move out. These fees are different from security deposits, which are refundable and are meant to cover any unpaid rent or damages to the rental unit.

Rent and Fees Guidelines

When renting out a property in Wyoming, it’s important to understand the guidelines for rent and fees.

In Wyoming, there’s no specific statute that specifies when rent should be due, but it’s typically expected on the first of each month. Additionally, there’s no statewide rent control, so landlords have the flexibility to adjust rent prices as they see fit.

As for late fees, there’s no statutory limit, allowing landlords to establish their own reasonable late rent policies. If a tenant’s rent check bounces, landlords may charge a maximum fee of $30.

When it comes to security deposits, there’s no limit on the amount that can be charged, and landlords aren’t required to pay interest on them. Security deposits must be returned within 30 days, or 60 days if there’s damage to the rental unit.

It’s important to understand these guidelines to ensure a smooth rental process in Wyoming.

Security Deposit Regulations

Now let’s delve into the regulations surrounding security deposits in Wyoming.

In Wyoming, there’s no limit on the amount landlords can charge for security deposits. Additionally, landlords aren’t required to pay interest on security deposits.

When it comes to returning the deposit, landlords must do so within 30 days. However, if there’s damage to the rental unit, the return period is extended to 60 days.

Landlords aren’t obligated to keep the security deposit in a separate bank account. They’re allowed to withhold funds from the deposit for unpaid rent, damages beyond reasonable wear and tear, cleaning costs, and other expenses stated in the rental agreement.

It’s important for landlords to itemize these deductions in a written notice and deliver it to the tenant, along with the remaining balance of the security deposit.

Tenant Screening and Fair Housing Protections

Understand the protected classes and regulations that apply to tenant screening and fair housing protections in Wyoming.

As a landlord in Wyoming, it’s important to be aware of the protected classes outlined by federal and state law. These protected classes include race, color, religion, gender, national origin, familial status, disability, and pregnancy. Discrimination based on any of these factors is strictly prohibited.

Additionally, Wyoming landlords must comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when conducting credit checks on potential tenants.

It’s also important to note that landlords in Wyoming can use criminal background checks during tenant screening, but they’re prohibited from discriminating against individuals with convictions related to the illegal manufacture or distribution of controlled substances.

To ensure fair housing practices, it’s recommended that landlords follow HUD guidelines for using criminal background checks.


In conclusion, as a landlord in Wyoming, it’s crucial to understand the regulations surrounding lease agreements.

From lead-based paint hazards to nonrefundable fees, rent and fees, security deposits, and tenant screening, there are various factors to consider.

By familiarizing yourself with these requirements, you can ensure compliance and maintain a positive and legal landlord-tenant relationship.

Stay informed and knowledgeable to protect both your property and your tenants.

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